Tax Advisory

Take control of your business

We have the necessary skills and the knowledge to come up with pertinent solutions. We study the case, identify the applicable legislation and provide you clear and objective advice.

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Why you need us

Tax expenditure is a determinant cost for any business. Thus, tax impact can become risk or, if properly managed, competitive advantage. The success of your business depends on how you control the advantage versus risk ratio. We believe we can help you get this control.

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How we can help

We have the skills and knowledge that allows us to offer you a clear and objective perspective over the tax framework. We have the necessary expertize to provide you with pertinent opinions and out of the box solutions.

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What we offer

GS TAX ADVISORY is a young Romanian consultancy company. Our main areas of expertise are: corporate tax, crossborder taxation, VAT, individual taxation, local tax, support during tax audits and tax due diligence.

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Our Services

Tax impact can greatly influence your business

We can help you control this factor
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A few words about
GS TAX Advisory

GS TAX ADVISORY is a young Romanian consultancy company, represented by an advisor whit significant experience in tax advisory matters, accumulated in years of working with Top Multinational Consultancy Companies from BIG FOUR and second tier. Beside expertize, the Company counts on flexibility and responsiveness, assets that are usually missing in large structures and can make the difference.

Gabriel Sârbu
Tax Advisor

Gabriel graduated Financial-Accounting Management at the Spiru Haret University of Bucharest and previously worked for Ernst & Young and Mazars. He is a member of the Romanian Chamber of Tax Advisors (CCF) since 2011. In addition, Gabriel has actively participated to the discussion held with the Ministry of Finance, with regards the preparation of the New Tax Legislation and provided several training on this subject.


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